Another Event with The Room Filled Up!


Another Event with The Room Filled Up!

The Situation

Dr. Scott Wagner was running a practice out of Charlottesville, WA for 20 years. He was doing quite well, but wanted to do more. He decided he’d start running regenerative events, so he needed someone who could bring the attention to them.

The Solution

We started running his regenerative medicine event campaign, advertising them to people who matched his Facebook followers, suffered from joint pain, and those who lived in the area. We then put his staff through our New Patient Scheduler course. But we didn’t stop there. We also launched postcards for his event that not only included the event information, but also basic information on the practice so patients could schedule themselves directly.

The Results

Keep the leads coming! Things are going great.

Dr. Wagner has been happy with the results he’s yielded from our service. He’s been with us for over a year now, and has seen consistent results. Finding great success in postcard use, his last event filled so quickly, we had to turn his campaign off ahead of schedule.

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