First Scheduled Appointment Was A High-Value Package!


First Scheduled Appointment Was A High-Value Package!

The Situation

Dr. Greg Millar, a chiropractor in Huntsville, AL was looking to expand their practice. After recently integrating, he wanted to get his stem cell services booming. They decided to look for a marketer to help their stem cell services find it’s footing, and ultimately expand.

The Solution

Dr. Millar started a regenerative knee campaign with us, and we began marketing his services to people within his practice’s surrounding area and suffering from knee pain symptoms. His team was then put through our New Patient Scheduler Course, and Dr Millar’s team also took advantage of our AI scheduling bot which made scheduling easier and they saw an increase on phone calls coming in.

The Results

A handful of the knee leads we’ve gotten, have been able to be converted to full body treatments. Those appointments have been scheduled!

They are very happy with the lead quality they’ve gotten, and have been closing at a very high rate. Within their first month, they had three closes that were $1500 knee packages, and they have another one lined up. After finding great success in their regenerative knee campaign, they started a sciatica and plantar fasciitis campaign.

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