“Our Volume of Qualified Neuropathy Leads Went Through the Roof!”


“Our Volume of Qualified Neuropathy Leads Went Through the Roof!”

The Situation

Dr. Eric Narrell, a chiropractor in Bonita Springs, FL, has been a chiropractor since April 2001. he didn’t have a big understanding of online marketing, but knew his office could be even bigger if he built an online presence.

The Solution

Dr. Narrell started a neuropathy campaign with us, advertising his neuropathy screenings and events to people who matched his Facebook followers, suffered from neuropathy, and those who lived in the area. To boost the percentage of new patient appointments, we put Dr. Narrell’s staff through our New Patient Scheduler course. 

The Results

“The training they provided for my staff increased my show up rate and really made the difference.

Dr. Narrell’s campaign got off to a hot start. Even more than the results, Dr. Narrell appreciated our customer service. Being able to be on call whenever he needed, scheduler training for his staff, and every day surveillance over his campaign, convinced him that The Customer Factory was best for him.

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